Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Atomic ensemble"

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  • Albers, Henning; Corgier, Robin; Herbst, Alexander; Rajagopalan, Ashwin; Schubert, Christian; Vogt, Christian; Woltmann, Marian; Lämmerzahl, Claus; Herrmann, Sven; Charron, Eric; Ertmer, Wofgang; Rasel, Ernst M.; Gaaloul, Naceur; Schlippert, Dennis (London : Springer Nature, 2022)
    The precision of matter-wave sensors benefits from interrogating large-particle-number atomic ensembles at high cycle rates. Quantum-degenerate gases with their low effective temperatures allow for constraining systematic ...
  • Friebe, J.; Riedmann, M.; Wübbena, T.; Pape, A.; Kelkar, H.; Ertmer, Wolfgang; Terra, O.; Sterr, Uwe; Weyers, S.; Grosche, G.; Schnatz, H.; Rasel, Ernst Maria (Bristol : IOP Publishing Ltd., 2011)
    We perform Ramsey-Bordé spectroscopy on laser-cooled magnesium atoms in free fall to measure the 1S 0→ 3P 1 intercombination transition frequency. The measured value of 655 659 923 839 730 (48) Hz is consistent with our ...
  • Hinney, Jakob; Prasad, Adarsh S.; Mahmoodian, Sahand; Hammerer, Klemens; Rauschenbeutel, Arno; Schneeweiss, Philipp; Volz, Jürgen; Schemmer, Max (College Park, Md. : APS, 2021)
    We observe that a weak guided light field transmitted through an ensemble of atoms coupled to an optical nanofiber exhibits quadrature squeezing. From the measured squeezing spectrum we gain direct access to the phase and ...